Title: Mockingbird
Author: Chuck Wendig
Publisher: Angry Robot
Publication Date: August 2012
Genre: Adult Urban Fantasy
Series or Stand Alone: Series, Book Two
Synopsis can be found here.
NetGalley review.
Miriam Black is back!
I wasn't shy about my love for Blackbirds, book one of this series and lucky for me, book two does not disappoint.
Miriam is desperately trying to settle down with Louis, but he's on the road most of the time. And alone and bored, Miriam is not one to hang around waiting for life to happen to her. But one day, Miriam stumbles upon a nightmare she can't ignore. Someone is killing school girls from the all girls academy.
I love Miriam's bite. She has one, with sharp teeth and a hard edge. Her wicked sense of humor is in full force in this second novel, brough to a sharp point because of her boredom and her relationship problems. Her and Louis aren't getting along so well right now, and maybe most of it stems from her being left alone in a trailer park. Or maybe it's from fighting her urge to leave, explore, be on her own. Either way, Miriam is fighting the good fight, but losing.
I loved the mystery in this book. An all girls' academy and the missing girls are being murdered? Sign me up! A creepy setting is just one part of this crazy story. The deaths are scary and Miriam's visions are even scarier. The visions are truly terrifying and they allow the reader to see how this gift really affects Miriam's personality. The dark humor is abundant and the gore and horror is there. But this story really seems to be about Miriam and fighting her own personal demons. I realized I was holding my breath a lot during this book, eating it up as quickly as I could.
And by the end, Miriam is transformed. For better or worse, you don't know. Not yet anyway.
Pick up this book, buckle up and set some time aside. You're going to need it.
I look forward to more adventures with Miriam Black.
Rating: 8 Cookie Worthy!
Sounds very interesting! Thanks for your thoughts:)