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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday! (7)

Welcome back for another edition of Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you to The Broke and the Bookish for hosting this weekly meme!

This one I had a lot of fun doing because, wow, I do have a lot of books on my To Read shelf.

The list this week is:
Top Ten Books I Recommend the Most
This was really hard because I recommend lots of books to people, depending on their interests. 

Instead of doing a list, I'm going to just show you the book covers. :)

What are your top ten this week??


  1. great list. I will be listening to Wonder soon. I have heard great things about it.

    1. Awesome! Let me know what you think! And keep some kleenex nearby!

  2. The only one I have read is the Time Traveler's Wife, but I really want to read the others ASAP! Great list:)
    My TTT

  3. Oh Shadow and Bone is an awesome pick! We share Maggie Stiefvator :)


  4. The Time Traveler's Wife is one of my favorites! Also, Born to Run changed my life. I've been wanting to read Wonder and Shadow and Bone because I hear so many good things about them. Thanks for the recommendations :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Born to Run changed my life too! I now run every week, at least once, usually twice. Outside. Wow.

  5. i recommend the lost city of z and succubus all the time. i still need to read wonder. i know my copy is somewhere...

  6. I recommended The Scorpio Races the other day and my friend did not like it, so that was a bit upsetting. I have been wanted to read Shadow and Bone for a while, I hear great things! I just bought Scarlet when it went on sale at Amazon.

    Our TTT

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

    1. Oh no! Really? I think it's my favorite Maggie book so far. Though I haven't read Raven Boys yet. Scarlet is a lot of fun. I had a couple of my friends read it and we all loved it.
      Happy Reading!

  7. A Discovery of Witches is definitely on my To-Read list, along with Scarlet and Shadow and Bone. *Sigh* the never-ending TBR list....I need to work on my nonfiction reading. I need to check out your recommendations! Here are my picks http://wp.me/pzUn5-1sn

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I know the To Read list is TOO LONG!! :)
