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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Clean Sweep ARC Challenge!- Goals, Plans and Books!

Hello Everyone!
And welcome to the first day of the Clean Sweep ARC challenge!

Now, if you haven't signed up yet, please do so here.

And an extra special thanks to Kimba The Caffeinated Book Reviewer for co-hosting!

And in case you missed it, we have EIGHT blogs doing mini-challenges over the weekends of May so be sure to visit each of them. You may find a new favorite blog!

Schedule is below. (And I may host a small, surprise giveaway or two during the month of May. So check back with me often to find it!)

Saturday May 4
Barbara @ Basia'sBookShelf posted 9am EST
Thuy @ RNSL: Nite Lite posted 4pm EST

Saturday May 11
Kristen @ My ParaHangover posted 9am EST
Crystal @ Eleganty Bound Reviews posted 4pm EST

Saturday May 18
Ali @ My Guilty Obsession posted 9am EST
Nicole @ The Reader's Antidote posted 4pm EST

Saturday May 25
Lola @ Lola's Reviews posted 9am EST
Jenn @ YA Book Twins posted 4pm EST

Anyway, I wanted to list my personal goals and plans for reading this month.
I have a bunch of ARCs from friends, publishers, etc., that I need to read and hand off

So, my plans are:

1. Post updates once a week on my progress!
2. Read only ARCs this month- digital and physical (though my husband would prefer physical so I can get them out of the house!)
3. Participate and visit the mini-chllaneges!!
4. Visit other blogs participating in the challenge to see how they're doing!
5. Review! Review! Review! 

Here is a list of some of the physical ARCs I need to read!

and have a wonderful month!

Here is the rafflecopter for the grand prize for all of you participants out there!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Oh Lordy!!! Your Goal is much more lofty then mine... Although I do plan on trying to read only the ARC's that I have this month=)

    1. :)
      I plan on a lot of stuff but I am not sure if I"ll get to all of it. We'll see! And it's fun to try!

      Happy Reading!!

  2. I've signed up, goals are set and I'm excited about getting through lots of great Arc's. Happy reading :-)

    BookishTrish @ Between the Lines

  3. wow i think my goal is like 5 arcs. but go, you! can't wait to see how everyone does.
