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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday! (24)

Hello Readers!
Thank you to The Broke and the Bookish for hosting this weekly meme. I love reading what everyone has on their lists and I hope you do too!

This week's question is: Top Ten Books with X Setting.
I chose the setting of Dystopian settings.

I don't think I talk about of Dystopian books enough. I do read them and I like them, but they have to truly be special for me to mention them.

So here are my Top 10 Dystopian worlds where I sat back and thought - Wow.

What is your TTT?


  1. Great post! I've only read Legend so far out of this list, but it was great! I plan on reading the Chemical Garden trilogy one of these days and the Divergent trilogy!

  2. I still need to read THIS IS NOT A TEST. I've heard such good things about it! And DIVERGENT and INSIDE OUT are still on my TBR pile, but I'm not in a rush to read those...
