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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Shelf Candy (2)

Thanks to Five Alarm Book Reviews for hosting Shelf Candy every Saturday!

My shelf candy for this Saturday is:

As I openly have confessed in the past, I do buy books based on their covers. This one could not get away!! I had seen it before, but those times my arms were already filled, so I always reluctantly put it down promising myself the next time I would go back for it.

Finally, I did.

The full pink cotton candy lips against the frosty rock candy sugar or salt and pale grey skin is killer. Add the pink tasty writing and I felt the cover jump out at me every time I saw it.
Add to that the awesome reviews I've read, and this was definitely one I had to check out.


  1. I'm with you, I totally judge a book by its cover and this one is pretty great. I'm curious to see what you think of it, but I've heard good things so far.

    Steph @ Steph's Stacks

  2. I think that most people judge a book by its cover in some way. What makes us pick up a book in the first place if we haven't heard of it yet?
    I love your choice this week. Sugar coated lips are totally cool!
