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Monday, October 31, 2011

YA Author Signing- The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

Happy Halloween everyone!
Hope you have a wonderful, safe and candy filled holiday.
Now, here's my treat I wanted to share with you!

On October 21st, I snuck out of work early (yes, again) and drove (like the wind I tell you!) to Montrose, CA.
Once Upon A Time Bookstore was my destination! Because they were hosting Maggie Stiefvater on "The Scorpio Races" book tour!

Once Upon A Time's window display

Books ready for the taking!

There were a lot of us!

I brought a very excited friend, L and she was blown away by how cute Maggie was. My hubby also came, as photographer! And I met my friends K, AllyBee and Alethea from Read Now Sleep Later there! We witnessed the fun, frenzy and craziness that is a Maggie signing.

I realized halfway through it was hard to get a clear shot of Maggie because she's very animated and moves around a bunch. So here are the best shots.

She gave a wonderful speech about writing her novels.
And below is a pic my hubby took!

Review of The Scorpio Races to come November 3rd so check back!
You can follow Maggie on twitter @mstiefvater or check out her website at Maggie Stiefvater

1 comment:

  1. I just read A ARC of The Scorpio Races and loved it.
    I hadn't noticed Maggie's books before and decided to see if they're good.
    I'll be posting a review soon too.

    Thanks for sharing. Looked fun.
