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Monday, January 9, 2012

Book Review: Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Title: Every Other Day

Author: Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Publisher: Egmont USA

Publication Date: December 2011

Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Fiction

Series or Stand Alone: n/a

Synopsis can be found here.
Netgalley review.

Well, that kicked my butt.

Kali is special. Every twenty-four hours, she changes from normal girl to demon hunter and back again. She doesn’t know why. She can’t ask her mother, who left her when she was three. She can’t ask her dad, who barely notices her as it is. And she might have a hero complex.  She’s a hunter of things that go bump in the night, and now someone may be hunting her. No, it’s not that simple. It’s totally spin-yourself-around and stand-on-your-head complex by the end of it. Yeah you’re going to want to read this.

Through a series of rash decisions, Kali finds herself a group of loyal friends who may know more than they let on.

There are a lot of characters in this book, but it didn’t bother me at all. Skylar, the loyal best friend, Bethany the cheerleader with hidden depths, Elliot the skeptical brother, Zev…. What IS Zev? Read to find out.

I loved this book. I sat down to read a couple of pages before going to bed and three hours later, I was well on my way to having an addiction. I’ll be honest, I’ll probably read it again just for fun. It’s THAT good.
This isn’t a typical teenager swooning over a mysterious boy. It’s more about friendship, forming close bonds with people, learning to trust. Throw a couple of zombies in there and you’ve got some awesome.

The mythology and back story are well though out; the pacing is fun, fast and addicting; and Kali’s a strong heroine.  I loved her voice and her sarcasm. She’s a girl you can get behind, kick butt with and root for.  Smart, smart, smart! There were some predictable parts, but they didn’t bother me.

I don’t know if it’s the start of a new series. I hope it is.

So, go on.
Get your butt kicked.

Rating 9, Ridiculously Awesome like Cookies and Ice Cream


  1. wow the girls is confused and sound like a book i like to blog on i love the cover of it

  2. thanks for the review! I added this book on GoodReads because as you have said: I's not so much about boys (in the way the most books are) but bmore about friendship

  3. This book caught my eye a few months ago on Net Galley. Thanks for reviewing it. I'll read it!

  4. Wow, now I feel like I should read this one. I didn't think I was going to be able to squeeze it in, but now I feel like I must. Thanks for the review.

  5. Sounds like I should really read this book!!
    Ashley A

  6. Thanks everyone for stopping by! I really enjoyed this book, as you can tell. :)

  7. I love this book too - Jennifer Lynn Barnes claims she only intended to write the one, but she does tend to succumb to sequels, lol... Have you read her Raised By Wolves series?

    1. I have not! I did buy it after I read "Every Other Day" and have it on my TBR pile on my kindle. Did you enjoy the Raised by Wolves series?
