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Friday, January 6, 2012

TGIF at GReads! (9)

Thanks to G Reads! for hosting! And TGIF!

This week's question is: Reading Resolutions: What are some of your reading goals for the new year?

Well, let me tell you!

Every year, I have a long list of New Years Resolutions. And every year, I try to keep up with them.
But this year, I am taking it one step further.
Because I have joined the 2012 TBR Pile Reading Challenge!
So that will help me quite a bit to get down my TBR pile that may be, may be, overtaking the bedroom at the moment (much to my husband's dismay).

Goals this year:

Read from my TBR pile 21-30 books I have already purchased prior to January 1, 2012.

Read Jane Eyre, Watership Down, Mansfield Park and some Sherlock Holmes- All things I've wanted to read but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Re-read the Harry Potter series. Because everyone should every couple of years.

Start a book budget. I don't have a book budget, which may contribute to my intense splurging every few weeks. I think it would help me monitor the craziness inside me to own every book on the planet.

Use the library even more! I use the library regularly, but I'd like to make it a weekly trip. So many books. For free!! Oh, the possibilities!

Oh, and to everyone who got this post via email before it was supposed to go up: 
My Last New Years Resolution is- 
Learn how to use Blogger! 
I apologize for any confusion. Sometimes, I schedule a post and then poof! it's posted by accident! Ugh! Must be extra extra careful!

Thanks for stopping by today and TGIF!!