Title: Goddess Interrupted
Author: Aimee Carter
Publisher: Harlequinn Teen
Publication Date: March 2012
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy/Myth
Series or Stand Alone: Series, Book Two
Synopsis can be found here.
NetGalley review.
Kate Winters has married her love, Henry, also known as God of the Underworld Hades. But the life she was hoping far seems to be dissolving away as Henry becomes more and more distant. And then, the unthinkable happens and he is kidnapped. Kate must muster all of her strength and courage to save him, and face their linked past. Because the one person who can help them, is his ex-wife, Persephone.
Can I just say that I don't know why I waited to read The Goddess Test? Book one was such an amazing adventure, I immediately started Book Two as soon as I was done. And it did not disappoint.
Kate matures by leaps and bounds in this book. I loved her growth and I think I love this sequel MORE than the original. There. I said it. She stars out with this idea of marriage and love, and is totally confused by the aloofness and hesitation Henry offers her. I enjoyed reading her thought process in regards to her own insecurities and her dreams about Henry. I thought she became this really beautifully strong woman by the end, powerful and accepting. Hmm, just like a queen should be.
Henry is of course, the classic tortured hero. He pulls away from Kate, both for his own selfish reasons and in a lame effort to protect her. Or is it because he's still in love with his ex-wife Persephone? I absolutely loved the drama between these two characters. Henry is so much older than Kate, complete with all of his own insecurities and baggage. It was heartbreaking and emotional to read their conversations- they were so totally true and real to me. Sometimes, we have to accept that the person is loving us the best they know how and this is true for Kate and Henry. Kate's ideas of their marriage and partnership are very different than how Henry is acting. Add in Persephone to the mix and all hell breaks loose.
The book broke my heart several times, and knit the pieces back together. Besides loving the ups and downs between Henry and Kate, I loved the other characters coming to play. We had more information on other members of the family, how they react, who are married, who were married... It created a full family dynamic.
And the end...
WHAT?! What! What!?!
Well, thankfully Book Three will be out in October. Seven long months away. Until then, I'll try to be content with re-reading books one and two.
Rating 10 One of The Best
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