Title: Bunny In The Moon: The Art of Tara McPherson
Arist: Tara McPherson
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Publication Date: March 2012
Genre: Art
Series or Stand Alone: Series, Volume III
Goodreads page here.
NetGalley review.
I'm a big Tara McPherson fan and was lucky enough to meet her one year when I went to Comic Con in San Diego. A lovely soft spoken woman, she was kind enough to autograph postcards of her work that I bought, which now hand in my library.
Her unique style is eye catching. Wherever I am, I immediately know her work. In a comic book shop, out on the street, on a website or on book covers.
This third volume of her work collects her newest and boldest creations.
Her strong, yet vulnerable female forms are breathtakingly beautiful as well as haunting. The angelic, round faces are paired with empty hearts, sexy forms and scary looks that seem to challenge the observer right off the page.
I love the whimsical aspect of her art, crossed with a sometimes very harsh bite. The soft colors seem to come alive with a dark punch.
McPherson's art is exquisite and this a strong collection of her newest work.
I can't wait to get a hard copy for myself.
Rating: 10 One of The Best
i got this on ng awhile back, too. thanks for reminding me to download it. agree that her images are scary but also so beautiful. i love the one book i have of hers and think this one will make its way into my library one day soon.