Title: Still Missing
Author: Chevy Stevens
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Publication Date: July 2010
Genre: Adult Fiction/Thriller
Series or Stand Alone: Stand Alone
Author: Chevy Stevens
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Publication Date: July 2010
Genre: Adult Fiction/Thriller
Series or Stand Alone: Stand Alone
On a beautiful, bright and perfect day, Annie O'Sullivan is taken at gunpoint from her Open House and kidnapped. What happens next is a story of survival both during and after the ordeal.
Annie is a complicated character. Her life hasn't been exactly easy, and her relationship with her mother, her only family, is shaky at best. Her boyfriend Luke is sweet and good, and her memories of him and her best friend Christina are what keep her hopeful through her ordeal.
One of the most refreshing things about this book is Annie's struggles after she returns. Her narration through the book is her story told to her psychiatrist. The tale is jarring and sad and even when she returns, her pain stays with her. The fear and terror continues to haunt her, even after she has left the cabin in the woods. There was so much emotion in this story, I couldn't put it down. I listened to the audiobook, expertly read by Angela Dawe, was so gripping, I walked around my house most of the time listening. Even my husband asked me what I was so enthralled by.
After the book was finished, I couldn't help still thinking about Annie, The Freak, Luke, Christina, Annie's mom and Gary. Without giving anything away, I was shocked by the ending. It left me openly cut, wishing the book didn't have to finish quite so soon. A part of me wants to listen to the whole thing again, but another part of me cant help feeling that it's too thrilling/emotional for me to do just yet.
Overall, Still Missing is a wonderfully written, emotional thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat. The subject matter is not pleasant, and there is sexual, physical and mental abuse so younger readers be warned. But it's mostly a story of survival, change and hope.
Rating 10 One of The Best
this one sounds like it might be too intense for me. you like these kidnapping stories and i just hate the idea of them. but i am glad you liked this one. you never know, i might pick it up one day.