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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Shelf Candy Saturday! (27)

Hello fellow Sugar Kings and Queens!
Welcome to Shelf Candy Saturday.
Thanks to
Five Alarm Book Reviews for hosting.

I look forward to waking up Saturday mornings, making a cup of tea, and wandering through the blogs that participate in Shelf Candy.
I hope you will take a little bit of time today, visit Five Alarm and do the same!

And with that... onto my Shelf Candy!

My Shelf Candy for this week is:

Sacre Blue: A Comdey d'Art By Christopher Moore
Synopsis can be found

I love Christopher Moore. His book A Dirty Job is one of my all time favorites. And so I'm super excited to read this book about Van Gough and Paris!

The beauty of the cover is lost in the digital world. See it for yourself at your local bookstore.
The blues and black of the cover itself shimmers in the light. The title and author is actually the dust jacket, only coming halfway up the book! The illustration itself is printed on the hard cover of the surface.
And best of all, the book is printed in a dark, rich blue tone.

I can't wait to read it.

What do you think? Have you seen this book out there in the wild yet? And if you have, are you interested?


  1. I love this cover! I actually did an interview with the artist for another cover of his a few weeks ago. The woman on the cover is one of his designs, and it's called Absinthe Lady. The artist is Aly Fell and he is amazing. Truly amazing. So happy you picked this one. And it definitely is a cover to see in person!

    1. Hi Lee!
      That does sound familiar on your blog! I really love your Shelf Candy this week.
      Happy Saturday!

  2. I still would love to read a Christopher Moore book. This cover is a beautiful representation of true classy illustration with elements of mystery. It is a great Shelf Candy pick. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Oh great cover. I love his books and his book covers are always so twisted yet fun.


  4. gorgeous cover. so much better than what they almost went with. great pick!
