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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Shelf Candy Saturday! (28)

Happy Saturday and welcome to another Shelf Candy!

Thank to
Five Alarm Book Reviews for hosting!

Please be sure to visit Five Alarm to see the other blogs participating in Shelf Candy! Totally worth it!

Now onto the Shelf Candy!
My Shelf Candy for this Saturday is:

The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley
can be found

I love this cover. The beautiful texture of the water as the backdrop. The auburn flaming hair behind the white uppercase title. The old fashioned W in the title.
And the model is dressed in this soft white, overlooking the sea.
Gorgeous, gentle and beautiful, I hope the cover reflects everything this novel has inside!

I have the book but haven't read it yet. I picked it up specifically because of the cover. And bought it because of the synopsis.

What do you think?


  1. That is a beautiful cover! I love the fiery red hair!

  2. Interesting cover. I like that the girl on it seems to be gazing at the water and I definitely like the old, torn paper quality of the cover. It's very cool. It kind of reminds me of a scroll. :)

  3. There seem to be a lot of covers with that fiery hair. I love it! Fury is one of my favorites. This one is more mysterious. Looking out at the deep blue seems to be so fitting. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Oh I like this one. Really eerie feel to it. I like how the girl is out of focus and the color scheme of the background. my scs http://jennreneeread.blogspot.com/2012/05/shelf-candy-saturday-12-wildes-fire-by.html

  5. What a lovely cover!! I wish I had hair like that...it's just luscious!! You're so right about the hair contrasting with the peaceful sea...I would buy this myself, just for this cover. This is a lovely pick, and I LOVE it!! Thanks for sharing!! Now on to Goodreads!! : )

  6. i just saw this cover somewhere recently and thought it looked really cool. yes, very nice.

  7. It's so blurry yet you can definitely see that it is a girl with red hair. This is such a unique cover. I would probably pick it up just from the cover alone too.
    @Harley Bear Book Blog

  8. It's all about the hair! It's beautiful. And I love how it is out of focus. Yes, I would pick this one up at the bookstore!
