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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Review: Boundless by Cynthia Hand

Title: Boundless

Author: Cynthia Hand

Publisher: Harper Teen

Publication Date: January 2013

Genre: Young Adult Fiction

Series or Stand Alone: Series, Book Three

Synopsis can be found here.
I purchased this book for review.


Clara Gardner has gone through more than other teenagers. Loss, Love, Friendship and Purpose all come together in the final book of this wonderful trilogy. She's half angel, target for those who wish to collect her, fascinated by one who was deeply in love with someone close to her, and those who love her.
Christian, Tucker, Angela, all of them are in danger, all of them are in the good vs. evil game.
And Clara will have to go to hell to fix it.

I'm so sad that it's over.
This is one of my favorite series.

Book Three wraps it all up. It's heartwarming, sad, bittersweet. I will try not to give too much away.

Clara and Christian are best friends, made for each other. While I didn't like Christian in the first book, he did grow on me in the second. So it was a real struggle to read of Clara and Christian vs. Clara and Tucker. (For the record, I love Tucker.) Hand does a wonderful job allowing each of the love interests to have good and bad qualities in each, making them full and different characters.

There are some lovely scenes (like Clara on a mountain top ready to fly) and some heart breaking moments.
This book tugs on your heart like the previous one.
The characters deal with supernatural challenges as well as teenage ones, and a couple of twists in the plot line keeps the story moving.

And it's all worth it in the end.
Continue reading, kids. You don't want to miss out.

Rating: 9 Ridiculously Awesome, like Cookies and Ice Cream


  1. Sounds like the main character's been through a lot

    1. She has! I recommend this series a lot. It's well done.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Ya know I pre-ordered this and keep putting it off because i know its the end of the series..LOL Wonderful review and I cannot wait to read it:)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kimba! Let me know what you think after you've read it!!:)

  3. I have Unearthly sitting on my bookshelf at home right now, and I've been meaning to start this seires--now I think I must get on it!! :D

    1. Get on it! I love this series a lot. It's so wonderful on many levels.
      Happy Reading!

  4. All 3 books are on my shelf, but I keep putting off reading them. Great review!!! I might have to move them up the tbr pile!

    Sabrina @iheartyafiction

  5. I haven't read this one yet...but I need too...I met Cynthia at a book signing, and got to go out for pizza with her!! Isn't that crazy?? One of the bast days of my life!!

    1. That's so awesome!! Cynthia seems like a super nice person! Going out for pizza with her sounds like FUN!!!

      Happy reading!!! and thanks for stopping by!

  6. Read it! So wonderful! It's a refreshing kind of YA, not exactly like the rest that's out there.

  7. What a great book!! I was afraid to read too much of your review because I have the book but haven't read it yet. You did an excellent job of summarizing without giving anything away:)

    cc_clubbs at yahoo dot com
