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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday! (11)

Welcome to another edition of Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and The Bookish!

This week, the question is:
Top Ten Books I Thought I'd Like More/Less Than I Did

This is a tricky one, because I find myself having high expectations about some books just because of all of the hype surrounding them. I am also very happy to find I like a book way more than I thought I would!

Books I Liked So Much More Than I Thought I Would:

1. Anna Dressed In Blood by Kendare Blake- I don't read a lot of horror, but I am totally in love with this book. Cas is such a wonderful character, the story is fast and creepy and wow, there is some definate gore. But in a good-creepy-oh-my-god-i-love-it kinda of way

2. New Girl by Paige Harbison - I am skeptical about Rebecca remakes, especially because it's one of my favorite books of all time. But this is not only a wonderful retelling, but holds its own as a suspenceful YA book.

3. Divergent by Veronica Roth - Pretty cautious about anything that resembles Hunger Games, or any type of bandwagon book, but Divergent is fun, thrilling and different. Tris and Four, man. Tris and Four.

4. Captive in the Dark by C.J Roberts - Self publised, romance/erotica book about a captor and his captive. Dark sex, real issues. I was thinking- how is this going to work? But it did. Brilliantly.

5. Broken by Megan Hart - I Don't read a lot of erotica, but this is the first Megan Hart book I read and I still re-read it to its day. Yes, the sex is hot, but it's the characters that make this book enjoyable. Real, complicated, guilt ridden and tortured, this book is why Megan Hart is a favorite among erotica readers.

Books I Liked less Than I Thought I Would:

6. Robopocalypse by Daniel Wilson- Such a great premise! But this book was just too long and fell flat for me.

7. The Vanishing Act by Mette Jackobsen - A mysterious stranger, a missing mother, an island and magic. This book should have been a slam dunk for me. But instead, I never got a feeling of warmth or heart from the characters. And the story was sadly thin, leaving me grateful it was only 200 pages.

8. Wonderous Strange by Lesley Livingston - I'm not going to lie. I'm not a "fairy" person. I don't read a lot of fairy books, but I had just finished the Wicked Lovely series and loved it and though I woudl give this one a try. Sadly, I couldn't finish book one.

9. Vesper by Jeff Sampson- The premise is cool, but it didn't hold my attention.

10. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl - Are you sure it's a male POV? Cause he sounds awfully like a whiny teenage girl. <eye roll> Don't get me started.

What is your TTT?


  1. Haha! Your comment on Beautiful Creatures cracked me up! I started that book but couldn't even get halfway through it. Maybe I'll pick it up again some other day, but I think that perhaps it just wasn't for me. Great list!
    My TTT

    1. Hey Lori! Thanks for reading! :) Glad you agreed with me on Beautiful Creatures. I feel like I'm in the minority!! :)

    2. LOL! I liked BC but loved the movie. They cut out all the long descriptive stuff and the guy who plays Ethan is super-cute. That or I just love a guy with a drawl.

    3. Really? You love a guy with a drawl?? hahaha

  2. great list. totally agree about captive in the dark. so good! and i haven't read beautiful creatures yet. we have such similar taste and other people have also said the same thing so i am a little wary. i may get to it someday but i am in no rush.

  3. HIlarious, love your comment about the guy in beautiful creatures being a whiny girl, don't you just hate when ppl write from a male perspective but can't do it successfully?
    Thanks for stopping by my TT, new follower
    Danielle@ Coffee and Characters

    1. Thanks for stopping by Danielle!! Happy Reading!

  4. ohh Anna Dressed in Blood was fantastic, it is one of my favorites, I was a little hesitant to read it but loved it. I also liked how it was told from a male POV. I have not read a lot of the books from your less list though. So that's a good thing!

    Our TTT

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  5. YES to Anna dressed in blood and Divergent - really didn't think I'd like either of these and now I am hooked on both series! Great TTT :)

  6. I feel EXACTLY the same about Divergent! I was SO worried before I started it!

    1. I am so happy it turned out the way it did- unique!
      Thanks for reading!

  7. I felt the same way about Beautiful Creatures. I refused to believe I was reading from the POV of a teenage boy.

    1. Agreed!! Grrr... that book makes me crazy. haha!

  8. TOTALLY agree with #1, #3 and #9. I haven't read any of the others, although some are on my TBR list.

    Happy TTT!

  9. Totally agree with you about New Girl and I liked it so much more than I thought I would!

    great list,
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  10. I totally agree with Anna Dressed in Blood! I was surprised at how engaging and detailed it was! Great list!

  11. Ooh, great list!! Divergent was so much better than I thought it'd be, too. And I completely agree about Wondrous Strange, Vesper, and Beautiful Creatures. Especially BC - Ethan was so wimpy and emotional, I just wanted to scream at him, lol.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  12. Beautiful Creatures was also on my 'books that disappointed' list, although for different reasons. I didn't have a problem with Ethan's voice but I had issues with his relationship with Lena, and the inconsistency of his reactions. Also, I didn't find myself sympathizing with Lena, and the fantasy side of things was all over the place (so many unexplained magical events!). So on the whole, yeah, I had a lot of trouble plowing through this one.
