Title: Charm & Strange
Author: Stephanie Kuehn
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Publication Date: June 2013
Genre: Young Adult
Series or Stand Alone: Stand Alone
Synopsis can be found here.
NetGalley review.
Andrew Winston Withers is two people. He is Win. He is Drew. He is haunted by his past, he is terrified of his future. He is changing in a way he cannot fight. He has no control. Or does he?
This will be a super short review because I can't talk about the book without giving something away.
I'll just say that yes, there's a lot to figure out in the beginning. What kind of story is this? Paranormal elements? Realistic Fiction? The moon? The forest? The Wolf?
By the time you reach the end, and the truth is glaringly, horrifyingly obvious, there is no going back. You put the book down. You take a breath. You think- I see now, even though I don't want to.
Beautifully written, I could only read the book in short increments. It is so intense, I slowed down to read and re-read every word, every sentence again. I didn't want to miss anything. I've read quite a number of intense books this year, but by far, Charm & Strange is the one that will stick with me. That I will keep to re-read, to wonder, to break my heart.
Rating 10 One of the Best
Great review, everyone is having trouble not revealing anything and it sounds like a must read.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading Kimba! :)
DeleteYeah, it's one of those books you can't talk about or you'll give stuff away but it was so well done. I can't praise it enough.