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Friday, June 7, 2013

Wicked Wildfire Read A Thon is Here!!! & Wrap Up!

Welcome! I'm participating in the Wicked Wildfire Read A Thon!
Hosted by My Shelf Confessions.

This is going on from June 7th to 14th. so it starts today!!

If you'd like to sign up, visit My Shelf Confessions to sign up!

So excited!
Here is the list of books I'd like to read during these next seven days!

Charm & Strange
Wig in the Window
Always Watching (currently reading)
Sea of Tranquility
The Replacement (finish)
The Painted Bridge (finish)
Corner of White (finish)
The Ashford Affair
The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden

I know, I know. It looks like a lot. But that's why it's a challenge!!
I'm going to update this link as we go through the week so check back often!

Wish me Luck!
Happy Reading!

June 10th Update-
Sadly did not read that much this weekend.
However, hope to make up for it a little bit tonight and tomorrow!

June 12th Update-
Still going! 
Currently reading: Always Watching
Will probably read quite a bit tonight as hubby is going out and I have the house and bunnies to myself!

June 14th Wrap up-
Sadly, I did not read as much as I wanted to this week. I am in the middle of Always Watching which is pretty awesome and I have big reading plans for this weekend. But that is all.
Thank you again to My Shelf Confessions for hosting a great Read A Thon!
Until next time!


  1. I just recently heard that name Charm & Strange - who is the author again? Thanks for joining us!!!

    1. Pabkins!
      The author is StephanieKuehn
      I just finished it and it is intense and fantastic and very sad.
      Love this read a thin! Thanks for hosting!
