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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Book Review: Insatiable by Meg Cabot

Title: Insatiable

Author: Meg Cabot

Publisher: William Morrow

Publication Date: June 2010

Genre: Adult Paranormal Contemporary Fiction

Series or Stand Alone: Series, Book One

Synopsis: can be found here

Vampires, Psychics and Slayers! Oh My!

Meena Harper, a dialogue writer on a soap opera titled “Insatiable”, has a secret of her own. She can see how people are going to die. Armed with this gift since she was small, she has grown up hiding her gift and helping out when she can. Whether that’s a stranger on a subway, or best friend, she’s found a way to calmly steer people away from their own demise. Now if only Meena could help herself.

Meg Cabot is hit or miss for me. While I enjoyed her Princess Diaries YA series, I did try another one of her adult fiction books and it left me kinda empty.  So I didn’t have high hopes for this book. Sure, it looked like fun and who doesn’t like a good vampire story now and again? (I DO!)

And… Wow!

I was genuinely surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. A new, awesome twist on the Dracula legend, Cabot's characters don't take themselves too seriously. There are some funny pop culture references to a couple more famous vampires that made me laugh. 

Meena is a strong female role model. She’s been through a lot, always on the outside because of her gift. She’s fun, compassionate (rescued her little dog Jack Bauer from the pound, and yes, he is named after that Jack Bauer), and still flawed enough to be believable. She stands up for herself, even in the face of certain death a.k.a. crazy Vampire Slayer threatens her with sword for info on her vampire boyfriend. What I love most about Meena is that she thinks for herself. She has strong opinions and her own mind.

Lucian, our Prince of Darkness, is well rounded. His baggage is subtle and in his own dark, brooding way, he’ll capture your heart.

And our Vampire Slayer, Alaric, is awkward, powerful and vain. But as we journey with Alaric, we see something hidden. Something more.

The book is a fun, roller-coaster ride. It’s a thicker book, coming in at over 450 pages, but that just made me enjoy living in their world a little longer.
Who doesn’t want that?

Bravo Meg Cabot.
I’ll be grabbing the follow up, Overbite, as soon as I can!

Rating: 8 Cookie Worthy


  1. I have been wanting to read this book. Now I am definitely going to have to get the book

  2. i just found this at borders and bought it!

  3. This is the first I've read about this book and I'm curious now! Something else to add on my TBR list!

  4. I read this book, I am going to read the next book soon!

  5. whata great review ive heard alot about it deff gonna have to buy now ty for sharing!
