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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Shelf Candy Saturday!! (34)

Helloooooooo Saturday!
And welcome to another Shelf Candy Saturday!

Thank you to Five Alarm Book Reviews for hosting this weekly meme!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far! The weather is beautiful, the sun is warm and the ocean or pool or lake is there, waiting for you! So find a book, or three, grab some sunglasses and have some fun!

This week, our Shelf Candy is the delicious:

The Treachery of Beautiful Things
By Ruth Francis Long

Synopsis can be found here.

Isn't it a gorgeous cover? It appeals to the thirteen year old girl in me, who still longs to be a princess. I love fairy tales, romance, the beautiful gown and the trail of flowers she's holding in her hand. She's looking over her shoulder, for someone?

A forest, a warm light, doesn't it look like the perfect place to visit? What does the rope of flowers symbolize? And where is she going in this forest? It doesn't look like a haunted and dangerous place, but maybe it is once the sun goes down.

What do you think?


  1. Wow! Awesome cover. I love how the flowers come up from the floor onto her - is she holding them? It's such a gorgeous scene but it makes me wonder if she's looking to see how close someone is to catching up because she wants them to, or because she doesn't.

    My shelf candy is here if you'd like a look :)

  2. I love this ultra feminine, yet somewhat mysterious cover. I never get sick of seeing big ball gowns on the cover of books. I love the way that she is looking back. She definitely has the look of concern. Great pick.

  3. This cover makes me think of a fairy tale too. I also agree with Steph, I love the ball gown cover craze! I also like that the flowers serve as leading lines...they lead you into the cover and to the focal point aka the girl.
