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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Shelf Candy! (13)

Thanks to Five Alarm Books for hosting Shelf Candy Saturday!
My Saturdays are way more fun because of it!

My Shelf Candy for this Saturday is:

The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey

Synopsis can be found here.

The beauty of this cover is in its softness. The tall white and grey trees against the black sky, the moon peeking out from behind them. The fox watching the child from afar. And the red mittens and blue coat.
The light mystery draws me into the cover and I'm hungry for the story.I love what the cover doesn't say, how it captures a quiet moment.
Who is this child?

I am totally buying this as soon as it comes out in February!


  1. This book looks so cute! I haven't heard of it before.. I love how there is a fox hiding behind a tree in the background... great choice!!

    new follower!]
    Stephanie @Steph's Book Corner

  2. carrie was just looking at this book last night. the cover is, indeed, lovely.

  3. I love this cover! I love the simplicity of it and the typography. Just found out my library got this in! Can't wait! :)
