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Friday, January 13, 2012

TGIF at G Reads! (10)

Thanks to G Reads! for hosting! And TGIF!
This week's question:
2012 Must Reads: Which books are at the top of your list to be read this year (new or old releases)?

Where to start?

YA perhaps!

Adult Mystery/Romance/Literature

I mean, I could continue but really, you should just check out my TBR pile on Goodreads if you want to know more!

Happy Reading!
and thanks for stopping by!


  1. I like how you show all the cover art! Definitely looks like you have some good reads ahead of you. :)

  2. i have been wanting read marjorie's other series as well. lots of good books on your list. happy reading!

  3. Everneath looks promsing! I'm currently reading Dearly, Departed & its veeeeery good so far! definitely worth the read:D I have seen Lover in Rebirn in so many posts, I have successfully added it to my tbr shelf!

    My TGIF & FF ((:
    -thank you&come again.

  4. Thanks everyone for your comments! I love looking at cover art. It can really add to book, IMO.

    Racquel- Dearly Departed was totally on my list, but it didn't fit with the formatting. I'm reading that very soon!

    Thanks for stopping by!
